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SetDTPictureCM-v-1.0.4.zip how download working version

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Description: Contextual Menus; 513 KB; SetDTPictureCM; Limit Point Software; Utilities


SetDTPictureCM is a contextual menu and service utility to set, restore and find the desktop picture. The classic CM also remembers pictures previously set.
In particular it performs the following functions:
- Sets the desktop picture to the file you control click on in the Finder. The menu item's name is "Set Desktop Picture To"*
- Locates the current file that is serving as the desktop picture. This menu items always displays. The menu item's name is "Reveal Desktop Picture"
- Reverts to the last desktop picture. This menu item displays whenever this contextual menu was used to set the desktop picture. The menu item's name is "Reset Desktop Picture"
- The classic contextual menu keeps track of all files used by itself to set the desktop picture in a submenu labelled "Recent Desktop Pictures" Selecting an item from this submenu will set the desktop picture to that file. So it maintains a history of desktop pictures.

SetDTPictureCM is part of the Limit Point Software "Utilities Bundle." Visit the Utilities home page at: http://www.limit-point.com/Utilities.html for a list of all the software available. Updates are always free, and new products always included.
*Limit Point Software is aware that Mac OS X 10.6 has a similar service named "Set Desktop Picture." However not everyone is using 10.6, and moreover, this service performs two other services.

Best MacBook Pro SetDTPictureCM.version.1.0.6.sUNFW.app | 538 KB |

Recomended! version ver.-1.1.4-SetDTPictureCM-r6N1F4.app | 548 KB |

MacOS v.1.0.8-SetDTPictureCM-mAOo4.tar.gz | 574 KB |

Limit Point Software
Official: http://www.limit-point.com/Utilities/SetDTPictureCM.html

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