Riberot et moi

Riberot et moi

on Mojave how install find the famous pilot in this hidden object game.

0 appréciations

Description: Puzzle / ValuSoft / Games / The Search for Amelia Earhart / 116736 KB

◐ 4DWQxo_vers.1.0M_The_Search_for_Amelia_Earhart.pkg

The Search for Amelia Earhart...Follow Amelia Earharts's life through space and time to learn about her accomplishments and discover what could have really happened to her on her last flight!
The Search for Amelia Earhart puts your Hidden Object skills to the test as you unravel this historic mystery! Play mind-bending minigames to find valuable clues.
Only you can discover the truth of what really happened on that long flight so many years ago!
- Gorgeous scenes
- Historic mystery
- Find Amelia Earhart!

Recomended on Sierra ver._1.3M_The_Search_for_Amelia_Earhart_bVYN49.dmg {134246 kb}

Best El Captan The_Search_for_Amelia_Earhart_v.2.0M_wEeZSG.tar.gz {134246 kb}


Best Sierra version_1.2.3_MultiBrowser_aqkG.tar.gz (50396 kb) 2.2.1

to 10.11.6 ver.-4.0.6-Snapper-mRf.app (3142 kb) 2.0.10

High Sierra FAM-PROPROMPTER-VERS-6.0.16.DMG (12452 kb) 5.0.17

Recomended on MacBook Pro 49uVC-Trash-It!-vers.9.5.pkg (1900 kb) 7.9

Best on 10.11.6 cQji3.ver.12.0.3.Badia.Printools.for.InDesign.pkg (10229 kb) 12.1.0

Recomended! version EZ8cX7_1.3_Brickshooter_Egypt.app (14561 kb) 1.2

[94556 kb] Free CHCOJC 1.3M THE SEARCH FOR AMELIA EARHART 1.4M Recomended! version

[113233 kb] Update The Search for Amelia Earhart vers 1.2M zVnEU 3.0M High Sierra

[108564 kb] Free CCHH THE SEARCH FOR AMELIA EARHART VER 1.4M 2.0M to Sierra

[127242 kb] App ZGC THE SEARCH FOR AMELIA EARHART 2.0M 3.0M Recomended 10.13.6

[122572 kb] Software 7nY The Search for Amelia Earhart vers.2.0M 1.3M Featured iMac Pro
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