Riberot et moi

Riberot et moi

(3 best) Family vers 2.4 how install for 10.14.2

0 appréciations

Genealogy; Dare to be Creative Ltd.; Family; Home Personal; 1229 KB


Family is a genealogy application for Mac OS X that allows you to map out your family tree visually, associating images and files with each person and telling each person's story.
Easy to use Family is an intuitive, attractive, and easy-to-use family tree application, where family associations are made by a click-and-drag, people are added and rearranged at a whim.
A Picture Says More Than a Thousand Words With Family you can associate pictures and photos with each person. With the built-in iPhoto, iSight and dv camera integration you can easily integrate snapshots from your last family reunion.
Publishing Made Easy Family makes publishing and printing your family tree a breeze. With tools such as guides and grids you can line up your family the way you like it. And the newly added zoom means your exported PDFs will look sharp even when printed in very large sizes.
Story Telling At family gatherings there's always a lot of stories and anecdotes floating around. With Family's Story Telling feature you can capture those stories right into your family tree. You can also associate documents, such as scanned birth certificates and speeches, with each person; these will be stored with your Family album file so you don't have to keep track of them yourself.

iMac Family-v.4.4-VGaRXS.app [1425 kb]

Version to Mojave Family_ver_2.7_plj.zip [1044 kb]

Updated for iMac tZMUO_Family_v_2.5.tar.gz [1167 kb]

Dare to be Creative Ltd.

Updated version AVAc9-ProVideoPlayer-3.2.1.app (32128 kbytes) 3.2.5

Updated version VCPSZI-VER-1.17-OTIXO.APP (89456 kbytes) 1.5

Updated on OS X YOTA.VER..9.2.2.PDFPENPRO.ZIP (127733 kbytes) 10.2

Updated High Sierra Math.Practice.vers.3.9.0.jzw0.tar.gz (2728 kbytes) 3.6.2

to Mac mini KZHNV-Duplicate-Finder-1.4.6.app (12912 kbytes) 1.4.4

Version iMac MNXUH-0.11.1-XBOX-ONE-CONTROLLER-ENABLER.PKG (1094 kbytes) 0.9.2

(1253 kbytes) App Family ver. 4.4 EiCfyz 3.4 on 10.11.6

(1450 kbytes) Get Family vers 2.6 h9q29 4.4 Version to iMac Pro

(1401 kbytes) GKB FAMILY 2.7 2.6 iMac

(1106 kbytes) Free vers 4.4 Family zF2M6V 3.4 Recomended! version

(1056 kbytes) Family ver 3.4 A32K 4.4 Recomended OS X
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