Riberot et moi

Riberot et moi


0 appréciations

Description: Em Software, Inc., 4608 KB, Desktop Publishing, DocsFlow, Graphics and Design

◎ docsflow vers.2.13

DocsFlow unites the collaborative editing power of Google Docs to the layout power of InDesign.
DocsFlow lets you place online Google Docs documents as InDesign story contents, just like normal text files. More importantly, DocsFlow maintains a dynamic link so it can intelligently merge Google Docs document changes into the InDesign story contents on each link update, rather than just replacing the story. So you can format, layout, and make minor edits in InDesign, while you and others edit story content together in real time on Google Docs, without losing any work.
DocsFlow Pro is required to import Google spreadsheets and to use the export functions. More information is available on the developer's Web site.

for 10.11 EqX-ver.-2.15-DocsFlow.pkg | 4746 kb |

Updated 10.12.6 ezm-ver.-2.14-docsflow.pkg | 5437 kb |

Recomended Mac mini X5ZG.VERS.2.16.DOCSFLOW.ZIP | 4423 kb |

Updated version V_4.13_DOCSFLOW_ALSB.TAR.GZ | 5437 kb |

Em Software, Inc.
Site: http://emsoftware.com/products/docsflow/

Software key DocsFlow 2.13

New on 10.12.5 version-1.8.4-FMSmallBusiness-faxL9T.zip [56743 KB] 3.5.4

New to High Sierra 28Nfa-0.2.9229-WhatsApp.tar.gz [116948 KB] 0.3.2686

MacBook MILQ.VER..1.8.4.HAZEOVER.TAR.GZ [7008 KB] 1.11.3

Recomended Mac Pro VERS.1.52.PAINTSUPREME.2XDA.DMG [54804 KB] 3.50

{3916 kb} zVeO 2.15 DocsFlow 2.14 Recomended! version

{3732 kb} Download CguSLI ver. 2.10.4 DocsFlow 2.10.3 Best 10.13.6

{4469 kb} V 2.10.4 DOCSFLOW ALDRK 4.13 Recomended OS X

{4008 kb} DocsFlow 2.15 PEsSAt 2.10.5 New! version

{4608 kb} Software 3WjF25 DocsFlow ver. 2.10.4 4.13 on High Sierra
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