Riberot et moi

Riberot et moi

to 10.14.3 how install the look and feel of ios in just one place.

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Description: / AD&A Multimedia / UniPlayer / Entertainment / 36250 KB

UniPlayer 20

UniPlayer is an Applescript-based application that performs various different tasks from it's main window. With it, you can access hard disks, the web, write and recall notes and, especially, play the user's iTunes music. Each item carries basic features which, in most cases, is all it takes! Several - music, books, Internet - can run simultaneously and also controlled using the standard Mac OS shortcuts. All of this with an iOS look-and-feel! And, by simulating a real device, click on the botton's window to proceed or cancel tasks.

New! version taiGH.ver.19.UniPlayer.zip (41325 kbytes)

to OS X kzi.uniplayer.18.zip (38425 kbytes)

Updated MacBook Air j0QxAn-UniPlayer.pkg (41325 kbytes)

AD&A Multimedia

Software key UniPlayer

Recomended! version iFnOm_Image_Bucket_vers.2015.5.tar.gz (2661 KB) 2015.4

Updated version 2.3.4_Todoey_4EPmZ.pkg (7470 KB) 3.0.4

New to Mojave foZ2a-Rex-Verbi-1.3.dmg (69386 KB) 1.1

Recomended 10.13.4 PDF_Images_ver_1.3_Eepp.pkg (1397 KB) 1.5

Download UniPlayer ver. 19 XSi 18 Updated 10.14.1

Get version 19 UniPlayer EnXU 18 Sierra

Update NWE76G VERSION 18 UNIPLAYER 19 Featured MacOS

Update HPZS0R UNIPLAYER V.18 19 Recomended! version
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