Riberot et moi

Riberot et moi

how install qgcy-1.2-Innecto.pkg stable

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32051 KB; Innecto; Pascal Harris; Games; Puzzle

vers 1.2 Innecto

Innecto seems so easy and relaxing; the little tiles twist satisfyingly into place as you race against the clock to complete each board in the least time with the least number of moves. The difficulty ramps up though - and you'll need all your skill to get to the end. There are more than 100 levels and each one is calculated by the computer so no two games will be the same - giving Innecto great replay value.
The game design, code, tile graphics, and segment typeface are all the work of Pascal Harris (45RPM Software), and the music and sound design is the work of Richard Hanson (Highfish Recordings), with additional music production by David Jamieson. Many people have tested Innecto - and we really hope that you enjoy the final result.

- Gorgeous Retina graphics
- Addictive gameplay
- Randomly generated levels
- An amazing soundtrack that you'll be humming for weeks
- GameCenter integration
- In-app purchases of extra hints (in case you run out)
- Help and hints on game play

Note: This application contains in-app and/or external module purchases.

Version Mac Innecto_v.3.2_05BR.tar.gz (34615 kb)

Updated version XBSf_v.2.2_Innecto.app (34935 kb)

Pascal Harris
Official: https://www.45rpmsoftware.com/innecto.php

for OS X ver._2.0_Mokey_cNZN9.dmg {5529 KB} 3.0

for Mac mini D5FIzW-cmd-c-v.1.1.tar.gz {7008 KB} 1.7

(32692 kb) Software 2o4yy Innecto ver 1.3 2.2 New to 10.13.6

(31730 kb) App INNECTO V.3.2 HXPORG 1.3 Recomended on 10.14.3

(36538 kb) App 0BFUA INNECTO 1.3 3.2 Recomended El Captan

(27243 kb) Download INNECTO VERSION 1.5 7F5 3.2 Recomended! version

(32371 kb) Get xKjQMz Innecto vers.1.4 1.3 on OS X

(37499 kb) Get n7WI v.1.6 Innecto 1.3 on 10.11

(29807 kb) Software Innecto vers.1.4 t5G6 1.3 Version to iMac Pro
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