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how download Molegro Molecular Viewer v.2.2 to iMac

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Description: / Molegro / / Molegro Molecular Viewer / 10854 KB

Molegro Molecular Viewer vers.2.2

Molegro Molecular Viewer is an application for visualization of molecules and Molegro Virtual Docker results. Molegro Molecular Viewer offers a high-quality visualization tool combined with a user interface experience focusing on usability and productivity.
Highlights of Molegro Molecular Viewer:
- Share and view results from Molegro Virtual Docker docking runs
- Imports and exports PDB, SDF, Mol2, and MVDML files
- Automatic preparation of molecules
- Molecular surface and backbone visualization
- Labels, sequence viewer, and biomolecule generator
- Cropping of molecules and clipping planes
- Structural protein alignment


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Best High Sierra Molegro_Molecular_Viewer_2.3_zECp.app [11613 kb]

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Official site: http://www.molegro.com/mmv-product.php

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